Powerlifting and Olympic Lifting Log

Track your progress in the three 'Powerlifing' lifts: Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift and/or the two 'Olympic' lifts: Snatch and Clean & Jerk. Once you've set up an account and logged in, you'll be able to enter your lifts as well as view the lifts of other members who have chosen to make their lifting history public.

You can switch between powerlifting and Olympic lifting from the menu at top-left

User Rankings

If you're keen to rank your lifts alongside those of other users, you can select a three-lift powerlifting set or a two-lift Olympic weightlifting set from your history to appear in the users' ranked lifts. The rankings are viewable by anyone, regardless of whether or not you choose to keep the rest of your lift history private.

You can sort all the lift tables in various ways by clicking the heading on the column you want sorted.

Weight Categories and Age Classes

You can filter a table by gender, weight category and age class. The standard weight categories and age classes are those used by major international lifting federations, including IPF and IWF.

Bodyweight- and Age-adjusted Scores

As well as total weight of the lifts, scores are calculated to allow for body weight and gender (IPF GL points for powerlifting, Sinclair for weightlifting). For powerlifting, the IPF GL points used are for 'raw' lifts (not using equipment to assist with lifting). There's also an age-adjusted score to credit younger and older lifters. For example, the formulas for powerlifting are: Foster's coefficients for Juniors & Sub-juniors; Revised McCulloch's for Masters' lifters.

Entering Dates

Enter all dates in the order: day-month-year. Current year and month may be omitted, so 23 means the 23rd of this month. If you check what date is displayed before you click Confirm, you should be sweet!

Good luck with your training!