Wilks and IPF GL Points
These are intended to more fairly compare or rank powerlifting competition performances across lifters
of different body weight, gender and competition type. Wilks scoring was introduced by Robert Wilks and
has been used by many powerlifting federations throughout the world. A coefficent is calculated, based
on the athlete's gender and body weight, and the lifter's competition total is then multiplied by the
coefficient to give the Wilks points.
Wilks Coefficient
In January 2019 the International Powerlifting Federation announced it would be replacing the Wilks
system with one considered to be more consistent with more recent developments in powerlifting. Similar
to Wilks, it uses different parameters for male and female lifters but, unlike Wilks, different parameters
are also used for different types of competitions (e.g. classic or equipped, three-lift or bench-press only).
In the following year, not satisfied with the new formula, the IPF released another one using a different
algorithm with the intention to update the parameters used in it every four years, to keep it better aligned
with the performance of elite powerlifters over time. The calculator below is based on this new formula and is
current for lifts performed in the period 2020 - 2023. Points are referred to as IPF GL to distinguish them from
the IPF points of the 2019 formula. IPF GL points are normalised in an attempt to represent performance as a
percentage of that of an elite lifter with the same body weight.
McCulloch Age Adjustment
Sometimes scores are further adjusted by multipling by a factor that takes the lifter's age into account.
The McCulloch coefficients take into account the fact that younger athletes generally have not developed to
their potential strength, while from about the age of 40 onwards strength starts to steadily diminish.
Use the calculator to find Wilks points, IPF points and (if you're between the ages of 14 and 23 or
between 40 and 90) your McCulloch Age-adjusted scores. Use your age at this year's birthday.